Service Agreement US

Service Agreement for Artificial Intelligence Services"

Se Cadastre Agora!



Rapport Technology, a trade name represented by the sole proprietor Carlos Delfino Carvalho Pinheiro, registered under CPF no. 762.057.896-04, with headquarters at R. José Alves Pereira, 50 Casa 1, Baixa Grande, Aquiraz, Ceará, Brazil, Postal Code 61700-000, hereinafter referred to as the SERVICE PROVIDER;

[Client’s Name], registered under SSN/Tax ID no. [insert], with headquarters/residence at [insert], hereinafter referred to as the CLIENT.


This agreement concerns the provision of services by the SERVICE PROVIDER, which includes the use of the Rapport OS platform, including Rapport BOT and Rapport API, for managing and automating interactions via WhatsApp, with data collection from messages to train artificial intelligence algorithms.


Obligations of the SERVICE PROVIDER:

  1. Provide the Rapport OS system, including server, database, Rapport BOT, and Rapport API.
  2. Ensure automation of message sending and receiving on the CLIENT’s WhatsApp, respecting timing and volume rules to avoid account blocking.
  3. Maintain the security of message data and contact information according to the relevant data protection laws of the United States, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
  4. Adjust sending rules in accordance with WhatsApp policies, without liability for potential account blocks.

Obligations of the CLIENT:

  1. Provide up to 30 WhatsApp numbers per server for integration with the Rapport BOT.
  2. Authorize the collection of messages for algorithm training purposes, with contact data being used solely to identify the message’s origin and destination.
  3. Ensure that clients and contacts are informed about data processing and have consented as per the CCPA or other applicable privacy laws.
  4. Timely payment of the amounts as stipulated in this agreement.


  1. Purpose of Data: The collected data, limited to messages, will be used exclusively for the training and improvement of Rapport BOT.
  2. Security and Storage: The SERVICE PROVIDER commits to maintaining the data securely, protected by encryption and appropriate security measures, in compliance with the CCPA.
  3. Consent and Transparency: The CLIENT is responsible for obtaining consent from data subjects for the processing of their information, as required by the CCPA.
  4. Rights of Data Subjects: The SERVICE PROVIDER ensures measures are in place to protect data subjects’ rights, including the right to access, correct, or delete their data, as specified under the CCPA.
  5. Security Incident: In the event of a data breach, the SERVICE PROVIDER will notify the CLIENT and, if applicable, the California Attorney General or other relevant authorities, as per CCPA requirements.


  1. The agreement will last for 1 year from the signing date and will automatically renew upon annual payment or prior negotiation to adjust resources.
  2. The service cost will be calculated monthly for transparency purposes, but payment will be annual, in the total amount of $[insert amount].
  3. Payment must be made by the 20th of each month via Bank Transfer or Credit Card, with any credit card fees and interest defined by the card operator.
  4. In the event of early termination, the CLIENT will be required to pay a penalty of 50% of the monthly value for the remaining months of the contract.


  1. The SERVICE PROVIDER is not responsible for account blocks or restrictions imposed by WhatsApp due to system use, as WhatsApp’s policies operate independently of the configurations set by the SERVICE PROVIDER.
  2. The CLIENT is responsible for ensuring that the messages sent comply with applicable legal norms, including U.S. consumer protection laws.


  1. The contract may be terminated by either party at any time, with 30 (thirty) days’ prior notice.
  2. Early termination without cause before the 1-year term ends will incur a penalty corresponding to 50% of the monthly value multiplied by the number of remaining months.


  1. The SERVICE PROVIDER commits to providing necessary support to the CLIENT through the following channels:
    • WhatsApp: (+55 85) 98520-5490 or (+55 85) 99125-7722
    • Email:
  2. Contract changes will only be valid if formally agreed in writing.


The jurisdiction for resolving any disputes arising from this agreement shall be the State of California, USA.


SERVICE PROVIDER: Rapport Technology
Represented by: Carlos Delfino Carvalho Pinheiro
CPF: 762.057.896-04

CLIENT: [Client’s Name]